Yes, We're That Garden Of Eva Featured at Honest Burgers!

Garden of Eva made Magic with Honest Burgers
I met the founder of Honest Burgers at a tasting event. He fell in love with The Garden of Eva's Southern inspired pickles. The magic brought about a collab with Honest Burgers featuring the New Orleans Burger in summer 2022. We couldn't be more honored to have partnered with Honest Burgers!
Absolutely thrilled to have Garden of Eva's American Southern Chow Chow used in fourty-five Honest Burgers' locations around the UK! Check out the description of our scrumptious New Orleans burger here!
Others joined in the joy as our story was also featured in Bright On The Inside, My Soho Times, QSR Media UK, @londonfoodfatty and Mission Kitchen .People flocked to learn more about our Chow Chow and give our free-range buttermilk fried chicken burger a try! We are thrilled to have partnered with Honest Burgers to create a burger that the UK would love!
A complete privilege to work with Honest Burgers Founder
Mentorship from Tom Barton was a lifechanging experience. Thank you for believing in our gourmet pickles!

The Garden of Eva
American Southern Chow Chow